Let me guess, right now you…
Have a million tabs open on your computer, secretly scouting locations and Googling how to host the retreat of your dreams, but no actual plan to make it happen (therefore no progress).
Dream about expanding your current photography services… but can’t seem to envision how the heck to make it a reality, nevertheless how to make it a PROFITABLE reality.
… or maybe you’ve tried a photography retreat in the past that didn’t turn out quite as you hoped, but you aren’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. This time you want to nail it – hosting an amazing retreat that gets glowing reviews AND makes you money.
Problem is…
Your vision board is fun to look at, but without an actual action plan, doesn’t do shit for your bank account.

How would it feel to…
see your iCal chock-full of life-changing, fully immersive portrait experiences for your dream clients that also up-level your photography business?
become known as a retreat photographer with a clear roadmap to plan, launch, and host your dream photography retreat that actually makes you money? And that you can easily repeat?
be able to skip the beginner mistakes and cut to the part where you’re showing a sold-out group of guests an amazing time AND making a profit?
we can help you get there.
The Profitable Retreat Method™
For the photographer who wants to stop guessing, doubting, and overthinking and finally start hosting profitable PORTRAIT retreats.

Learn to host retreats that get reviews like this…
“Little did I know that this retreat would blow my mind so much that it would cause a complete shift in my life! Anna & Elise went above and beyond- they are supremely talented and will make you feel taken care of on every level.”

What you get in
The Profitable Retreat Method™
for Portrait Photographers
It’s broken down into 10 easy-to-follow modules
Establishing Your Why
Conducting Market Research
Designing your Retreat Schedule
Setting Budget and Prices
Building your Webpage and Money Mindset
Creating a Marketing Plan
Protecting Yourself with Liability and Coverage
Making Sales
Executing and Setting a Plan B
Showing up!
… plus templates, tools, and 1:1 session with Anna & Elise to ensure your success.

How it works…
Create a retreat experience that will get you reviews like this…
“Anna & Elise created a retreat that nourished my body, soul, and spirit.” — JG
“All the way to the moment you part ways, you will be taken care of through every part of your journey.” — SA
“This retreat changed my life! I’ll forever be grateful for this experience” — JG

we help photographers plan, launch, and host profitable retreats without the stress, overwhelm, and mistakes of trying to diy.
Hi friend.
A Retreat Host and Portrait Photographer walk into a bar…
Errrrr, I mean portrait studio.
How Anna and Elise met according to Anna…
I met Elise back in 2017, when I booked a glamour + boudoir photography session. I was in the middle of burning my life down and saying “yes” to all of the things that I really wanted to do but kept making excuses not to do them because frankly they scared the hell out of me.
Elise not only restored a confidence in me that I had lost but also inspired me to make a huge career change. I wanted to help people in a real way like she was, so I took the natural next steps in convincing her to be my bestie. She took my branding photos, built my website and signed on as a co-host for my first retreat (August 2018) without us really even talking about it. I know what you’re thinking and yes, she’s not only the most talented human being on the planet, she’s also the kindest. Her endless support and faith in me is one of the few things that keeps me going.
Eise’s version of the story…
I met Anna when she booked one of my very first Empowerment Sessions at Mod Bettie Portrait Boutique. She was the first client ever to book my highest package AND told me I should charge more. I decided then and there, “well, I’m going to need more of THAT in my life” and we became quick friends! One year later she launched Wandering Roots and asked if I’d travel the world with her capturing guests in some of the most magical places on earth, I said hell yes! (because duh). I’ve followed her down some questionable streets and eaten a variety of questionable meats and I’d follow her any where any day.
Regardless of how we met (because it’s not about the destination but the journey?) we are actively crossing dreamy places off our travel bucket list and have hosted over 20 Retreats in places like Banff, Arizona, Dallas, Costa Rica, and Sicily! And, yeah, we made all the mistakes – expensive ones, embarrassing ones, you name it. Someday we can discuss them over charcuterie and gin, but for now, let’s just say that it forced us to create a method that WORKS. A plan that we’ve proudly executed over 20 times, hosting retreats from Sicily to Northern Michigan.
We can get into anywhere and get out of anything.
And, now, we can’t wait to help you do the same.

Be sure this is the right fit for you with the
100% Results Guarantee*
We know The Profitable Retreat Method™ works to help photographers plan, host, and launch retreats, so we’re betting on it being the right fit.
Join The Profitable Retreat Method™ and you’ll have a full 30 days to see if it's a great fit. If it’s not, just let us know and provide your completed coursework, and you're eligible for a refund.
Here’s the deal – we want you to get results... and that only comes from doing the work.
When you join, you make a commitment to yourself to finally plan a retreat and stop procrastinating. That's why coursework is baked into the guarantee.
If you follow through and don't make progress, you can get a 100% refund within 30 days of your purchase. No awkward convos involved.
Frequently Asked Questions
I get it! Life can be crazy. That’s why I made the lessons quick and easy to watch, read, or listen to – whichever is most convenient for you. An ambitious learner could complete all of the course work in a week if they wanted to, but you’ll have lifetime access to ensure your completion.
Understandable. A huge reason I created this program was to help you skip the part where you make expensive mistakes, so you can make this work as a profitable leg of your business. The instant you join, you’ll gain full access to the entire program… getting you closer to hosting your retreat. If you follow the steps outlined in the program, you’ll more than make your investment back in your first retreat.
This is such a common fear and something we address head-on in our Marketing module.
First of all, SAME. Everyone makes mistakes when they begin! It’s part of the process… but it doesn’t have to be.
This program was created to help you learn from the beginner mistakes I made so you can skip the hard part and jump straight to rocking your retreat, getting rave reviews, and turning a profit.
Module 3 of The Profitable Retreat Method extensively weighs the pro’s and con’s of working with retreat centers. The big difference is this – Retreat Centers sell to hosts, not guests. While they actively search for hosts to make a commitment to their retreat location, they often put all of the responsibility on the host to get guests to sign up for the retreat. Which can leave you, as a host, in the dark.
Are you ready to stop wasting time Googling and finally put together a photography retreat you’re proud of?

The Profitable Retreat Method™ for photographers gives you everything you need to plan, launch, and host a profitable retreat.
Total value: $8750
Get All This For Just $899
(or 2 payments of $499)
The Profitable Retreat Method™ gives you the exact steps to make money hosting amazing portrait retreats so that you can live the life you want AND offer your clients a new way to experience your services!
build a profitable retreat in just 1 minute per day.
Phew! That’s a lot. Got Questions or Unsure if it’s a fit? Let’s FIGURE IT OUT TOGETHER.