More reminders that life is 99% just showing up
More reminders that life is 99% just showing up
Welp, I finally started training to hike the Inca Trail that is not, in fact, the Inca Trail.
If you know me, you know I avoid talking on the phone like the plague. It honestly doesn't make sense why I dislike it so much, and I will happily jump on a call with a client or a select few friends but when making any type of reservations, I'll do anything in my power to not get on the phone.
Why when there is email?
Anyway, this email is not about unpacking or analyzing why I hate talking on the phone. All you need to know is that I tried like hell to reserve tickets for my friends and I for the boogie train that runs from the Sacred Valley of Peru to Machu Picchu.
There's a live band. You're served a 5-course meal. The interior of the train is drooly worthy. And the windows are absolutely stunning.
I decided years ago that I wanted to hike the Inca Trail for my 40th birthday but even before that, I had put "ride the Hiram Bingham train" at the top of my travel bucket list.
So, with a bit of a language barrier working against me, my unwillingness to just pick up the phone and call them, and having a logistical nightmare of lining up a 4 day backpacking excursion with a hotel stay at the top of Machu Picchu, followed by the boogie train transfer, two nights in the Sacred Valley with spa appointments for our weary hiking bodies and finally a van transfer back to the airport, we ended up with reservations for the Salkantay Trail.
If I lost you (totally understandable), me and my crew of friends are now hiking the 46 mile, 5 day Salkantay Trek instead of the 26 mile, 4 day Inca Trail.
What in the actual fuck?
It's the only way that I could get everything to lineup.
And, I was told by the customer service rep on the other side of Whatsapp that it's easier. Um, HOW? And that it's the locals' preference because it's more scenic. Cool.
Pretty sure that's code for they just want my money and don't care if a group of middle-aged, American women die on the side of a mountain ;)
A brief intermission here before I tell you how "training" is going. The 4 friends that are joining me on this birthday adventure are the freaking best. Sure, we all discussed (by group chat of course) that we weren't sure we could do it and the word "die" was thrown around too many times to count, but mostly they just said "it's your birthday, I'm in for whatever." I'm humbled with gratitude to know them. Their friendship means the world to me.
Ok, back to training.
I decided 3 days this week, I would walk 6 miles and I would work on my (lack of) cardio 4 days. I'm currently dealing with a shoulder injury so postponed strengthening my back and upper body to carry my day pack. Then I would scale this schedule incrementally over the next 4 weeks.
The first day I walked 6 miles I got a blister on the bottom of my heel. How?
The second day I walked 6 miles I got a blister on the side of my middle toe. Seriously?
And I'm sore. Like SO sore.
But besides for working on getting more mobility into my really tight hips and assessing my shoe choice, it's.all.mental.
Today I was going to ride the bike first thing when I woke up and instead I drank half a pot of coffee, watched an episode of HGTV and am writing to you, my friend ;)
I'm tired and I want to lay on the couch all day.
I won't though. I'll take Dixie for a 6 mile walk and then I'll hop on the bike for 30 minutes.
My desire to be able to complete those 46 miles with less body resistance and not have to spend the entire time mentally talking myself off a cliff is outweighing my desire to be lazy today.
Just another beautiful reminder that life is 99% just showing up.
Plus, I know I can do this.
And I no longer want to identify as a lazy slug. I want to me more active overall instead of constantly resenting myself for how out of shape I am.
And the thought of no one being able to contact me at all for 5 days sounds like the greatest gift I could give myself for my birthday ;)
So friend, if you're struggling to show up for you, know that you're not alone. Most of us struggle with that on the daily!
Images by Personal Branding Maven Elise Kutt at Mod Bettie Portraits
My name is Anna VanAgtmael, and I am retreat host, travel designer, and a certified yoga instructor with a passion for yoga, travel, and connecting with others.
I believe in trying everything once. My values lie in collecting memories over things.
My ambition is to inspire and encourage you to unmask your fears and jump into the unknown.
Anna VanAgtmael | Retreat Host | Travel Designer