Why You Should Always Scout Your Location Before Hosting
Why You Should Always Scout Your Location Before Hosting
It may be the fact that I can be a control freak. It could be because I’ve been burned a few times. Or maybe it’s some lingering PTSD related to my very first retreat venue.
Whatever the reason, I never host a retreat without scouting the venue and the excursions.
1️⃣ You can see with your own eyes whether or not your venue sucks
We’ve all fallen victim to photography in some form. Whether it’s a fancy hotel you were looking forward to staying at; an over-edited pic of a landscape you couldn’t wait to see with your own eyes only to discover the canyon wall is more brown than pink; or the photos of the venue you couldn’t wait to host your retreat at didn’t accurately capture how worn down and outdated its current state. For all of these reasons and more, I always walk through a venue before I host at it.
2️⃣ You’ll find out what things really cost
This mostly captures my estranged relationship with rental cars. I pre-pay well in advance and budget for that cost and then 9.9 times out of 10, I get another charge when I return the rental car. There are a few things you can do to avoid this but it usually requires experience and a lot more effort that and it should.
3️⃣ You’ll know exactly how to pack and how to best prepare your guests
I’ve never hosted a retreat where every.single.guest wanted to know what exactly to expect and what exactly to pack. Almost all of them will overpack but they are still going to require suggestions and maybe even a list from you, so whenever I scout, I make notes of what I packed and wore to best answer these inquiries and concerns.
4️⃣ You can eliminate boring excursions
I’ve never met a retreat guest that likes to be underwhelmed and if you’re excursions aren’t as close to epic as humanly possible, then it’s going to be an overall reflection of how your guests feel about your retreat. Trust me, you’re going to want to overwhelm them with awe and excitement.
5️⃣ You’ll look like a pro, like you actually know what you’re doing
Only once have I been on a trail where I didn’t know where I was going and there’s several reasons why I’ll avoid being in that situation again. If you don’t know exactly how long or strenuous a hike is, you risk you and your guests not having enough water, snacks, time or even being prepared with the right gear. And if you’re stressed, your guests are going to be too, they will read and reflect your energy. Your retreat as a whole will feel more professional if you look like you know what you’re doing as opposed to frantic and scattered.
So what do you say? Are you ready to finally pull the trigger and host the retreat of your dreams?
Images by Personal Branding Maven Elise Kutt at Mod Bettie Portraits
My name is Anna VanAgtmael, and I am retreat host, travel designer, and a certified yoga instructor with a passion for yoga, travel, and connecting with others.
I believe in trying everything once. My values lie in collecting memories over things.
My ambition is to inspire and encourage you to unmask your fears and jump into the unknown.
Anna VanAgtmael | Retreat Host | Travel Designer