Reflections on the Arizona Couple's Retreat
Reflections on the Arizona Couple’s Retreat
**This blog was written on 10/09/19, I waited to publish until we got the beautiful photos back from Mod Bettie Portraits!
Normally I journal right after a retreat, like the day after or on the plane ride home, but that wasn’t the case for the Arizona retreat. I think it was partly due to the fact that I flew home with the majority of the retreat guests and felt the need to be “on” and still present. I also had an intense situation to come home to.
Over the next two weeks, I was quitting my day job and preparing to host the last retreat of 2019. Also, this was my first couples retreat and I needed a little time to digest and process it.
I’m realizing that each retreat takes on the vibe of my co-hosts, the location, and the guests which are all variables that I can only somewhat control. This isn’t a good or bad thing, it just is.
I do know that this was the loudest retreat that I’ve ever hosted, but that could be because the majority of the guests knew each other and also happened to be my friends. I had a great time but I couldn’t figure out why it felt different from the rest of the retreats that I’ve hosted.
I’ve been reading past retreat surveys and trying to figure out how to please everyone. I realize this is an impossible feat but I’m stubborn and I’m going to try anyways. I recognize that I’m always going to have some restless wanderers that struggle with stillness, but I can’t pack our itineraries just to appease a few. I think the solution here is to have some solo adventure suggestions that will outline excursions for the guests that don’t want to spend their free time relaxing by the pool. I also know that most people are afraid to ask for what they want and even just to ask for help. I think by providing alternatives to relaxed free time, all unique personality types will feel like their needs were met.
I will always remind guests that it’s choose your own adventure, that way you can skip yoga because it’s not your thing or sleep through lunch if you need a nap. Although I’ve never seen a guest sleep through a meal because chef Abbey’s food is that good.
It truly is the biggest compliment to me when a guest chooses to do what they want instead of participating due to some strange sense of obligation or guilt.
Apart from learning a lot on my first couples retreat, it was fun seeing everyone enjoy the trips to Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and the Grand Canyon, and I was pleased that they all found the landscapes as breathtaking as I did. As a result of this retreat, I’ve decided there is a need for a more adventure style retreats that focus on exploring nature as the wellness component, because most of the guests weren’t into yoga. Which is great, because I truly believe wellness is perceived and valued differently by everyone. If I can keep creating spaces that people feel comfortable to be their authentic selves and have a good time, that would be the recipe for success for me. I’m grateful for this experience, for the fun adventure that it was and for all of the laughs.
Join us on our next adventure!
Images by Personal Branding Maven Elise Kutt at Mod Bettie Portraits
My name is Anna VanAgtmael, and I am a certified yoga instructor with a passion for yoga, travel, and connecting with others.
I believe in trying everything once. My values lie in collecting memories over things. Though we desire adventure and authentic experiences, naturally our fear holds us back.
My ambition is to inspire and encourage you to unmask your fears and jump into the unknown.
Anna VanAgtmael | Yoga Enthusiast | Travel Designer